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February 06, 2006



The problem isn't so much the OS, it's the hardware. You can use Classic in all versions of OSX (except the Intel Mac version I believe), but OS9 won't boot up the computer with the latest machines - you can only use OS9 in the Classic environment.

Mike from Dubai

Hmm, I guess if I can't understand it at all, then I'm on the wrong blog and need to be surfing somewhere else..


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Thanks :-D. Rona.

Flour Mill

They open in Picture Viewer and I can see them and do minor manipulations like rotate etc. I can move them to the desktop and all that jazz. What I can't do is open them in any other program, QuarkXpress orPhotoshop. I go to place the pic in those apps andwhen I get to the desktop to the folders that have the pics in them, I open the folder and nothing comes up, no indication that there is anything in the folder.

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Parents should carefully look at the schools they are sending their children too. Money, especially tax dollars, should not be wasted on such worthless and bigoted events. A law school should be ashamed at holding a seminar to discuss such man-hating tripe.

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If you are working on a PC without a numeric keypad you can always use the copyright symbol Photoshop provides in the

Amazing! The power of printing by hand! Wish I could see the show. Love random collaboration like this. Cheers to all involved.

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I go to place the pic in those apps andwhen I get to the desktop to the folders that have the pics in them, I open the folder and nothing comes up, no indication that there is anything in the folder.

Office 2007

Ah well your comment! I did you good!

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