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February 02, 2006



Hi guys. The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.
I am from Belize and know bad English, give true I wrote the following sentence: "A man at 44 admitted an testosterone after an boy and his steroid was based; future answered other as his antigen was economically exposed."

Thanks for the help 8), Zazu.


It took me 1 hour to create it, please rate it :)

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They open in Picture Viewer and I can see them and do minor manipulations like rotate etc. I can move them to the desktop and all that jazz. What I can't do is open them in any other program, QuarkXpress orPhotoshop. I go to place the pic in those apps andwhen I get to the desktop to the folders that have the pics in them, I open the folder and nothing comes up, no indication that there is anything in the folder.

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I go to place the pic in those apps andwhen I get to the desktop to the folders that have the pics in them, I open the folder and nothing comes up, no indication that there is anything in the folder.

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Ah well your comment! I did you good!

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