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April 27, 2005



Export to Photoshop Problem
Deb writes,

When I export a file from Illustrator to Photoshop the layers come in flattened. What do I have to do to keep my layers?

Check to see if your Illustrator document has any objects with either Blending or Transparency applied to it. If so, that could be the culprit. Here's a workaround.
Change the Transparency, or Blending, to to a layer-based effect rather than an object-based effect. That should do

Loretta Ebnet

To Whom It May Concern:

I was unable to send an inquiry to your email address of: [email protected]; looks like an error with a domain and it bounced back...

My reason for writing is: Do you know anything about doing a permanent font replacement for say Photoshop and/or Illustrator? I am looking at trying to replace a font that will apply to all images with a new font, as well as images that have a missing font.

Thank you for your help,


Jaydeb Pal

how can I develop a picture collect frome a mobile into 4X6 size by good quality?

Beverly Duchatellier

When I try to creae a rectangle using the marquee tool I receive the following error message:

Warning No pixels were selected.

How do I correct this error.


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My reason for writing is: Do you know anything about doing a permanent font replacement for say Photoshop and/or Illustrator? I am looking at trying to replace a font that will apply to all images with a new font, as well as images that have a missing font.

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Are you felt that it is right? I do not really think that, but can keep personal opinions!

rashid zaidi

no thumb nails only icons when i view my images from a folder.

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